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Dynamo 2nd school

Dynamo 2nd School

Nano-plasmonics and applications

23-25 April 2024 (Virtual)

Day 1

23 April
09:00 - 12:00

Transversal skills Topic 1



Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:45

Multifunctional magnetoplasmonics


Cesar de Julián Fernández

Istituto dei Materiali per l'Elettronica e il Magnetismo, CNR, Parma, Italy

15 min break

16:00 - 17:45

Plasmonics for enhanced vibrational spectroscopy


Janina Kneipp

Department of Chemistry Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Day 2

24 April
08:30 - 10:15

Plasmonic sensing: part 1


Nicoló Maccaferri

Umeå University, Sweden


11:00 - 12:45

Synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles and applications


Isabel Pastoriza Santos

CINBIO, Universidade de Vigo, Spain

Lunch Break

15:00 - 18:00

Transversal skills Topic 2



Day 3

25 April
08:30 - 10:15

Plasmonic sensing: part 2


Nicoló Maccaferri

Umeå University, Sweden


11:00 - 12:45

Plasmonic trapping


Denis Garoli

UniMoRe and IIT Genova, Italy

Lunch Break

15:00 - 17:45

Transversal skills Topic 3



  • Topic 1

    Scientific writing and time management.

  • Topic 2

    Gender equality and diversity at the workplace.

    Working in a multicultural environment.
  • Topic 3

    Teamwork & Interpersonal communication:

    Effective and clear communication within research teams.

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Research team

Research Team

DYNAMO coordinators and principal investigators are:
  • Denis Garoli

    Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

    Project coordinator
  • Roman Krahne

    Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

  • Paolo Vavassori

    CIC nanoGUNE
  • Ralf Seidel

    University of Leipzig
  • Janina Kneipp

    University of Berlin
  • Ulrich Keyser

    University of Cambridge
  • Chirlmin Joo

    TU - Delft
  • Sergio Brovelli

    University Milano Bicocca
  • Federico Thei

    Elements s.r.l.
  • Jerome Wenger

    Fresnel Institute Marseille

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  • IIT

  • CIC Nanogune

  • CNRS

  • TUDelft

  • Bicocca

  • Leipzig

  • humboldt

  • cambridge

  • elements

The DYNAMO consortium is a highly competitive, cross-disciplinary team with minimal overlap, covering all main aspects in nanopore based single molecule. This forms a cohesive team, fully committed to educate the next generation of scientists, that will lead the field of plasmonic hybrid nanopore science. Our carefully selected team is at the forefront of their fields and has teaching experience. To translate societal needs to R&D, our consortium includes leading academic and industrial parties, with all relevant cutting-edge technologies in the field of inorganic nanopore, plasmonic nanostructures, and optical tweezer fabrication (Italian Institute of Technology - IIT, CICGUNE - San Sebastian Spain, CNRS - Marsille) with advanced biochemistry to design and functionalize biomolecules (University of Leipzig - Germany, University of Cambridge - UK) and to control their dynamics by DNA-origami. For the investigation of the properties of such highly complex materials, DYNAMO provides the leading expertise in SERS (University of Berlin), magneto-optics (CNRS), plasmonics (IIT, CNRS), structural characterization by electron microscopies, and singe molecule fluorescence (CNRS, TU DELFT). Important to be stressed, the different tasks attributed to the JRs/beneficiary partners are fully coherent with the expertise within the network. In particular, IIT will focus on nanofabrication, CICGUNE and CNRS on plasmonic and magneto-plasmonic trapping, University of Berlin on SERS spectroscopy, TUDELFT on fluorescence, Cambridge and University of Leipzig on combined methods to integrate DNA origami in nanopore single-molecule detectors and University Milano Bicocca on the fundamental aspects of single molecule spectroscopies. Finally, Elements s.r.l will give the network a strong connection with a final exploitation of the technology under development.

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